
September 28, 2023

How to improve your Cyber Security and prevent a data breach

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There’s never been a more important time to make cyber security a priority. With criminals becoming ever more sophisticated in their attempts to access sensitive data and files, and hefty fines for organisations who fail to keep this information securely, it’s vital to stay abreast of the latest cyber security developments.

Consider Accessibility

It may seem obvious, but being mindful as to exactly who has permission to view or work with sensitive data and files is a key part of maintaining your organisation’s cyber security. Review which team members actually need to be able to access the most sensitive data, and ensure that this list of names is reviewed regularly. Bring in multi-factor authentication to ensure that only the right people can log into the most confidential parts of your system, too. Find out how to implement it by partnering with specialists in IT security in London.

Invest in the best

The advent of cloud computing has undoubtedly brought significant advantages for businesses across all sectors, thanks to its incredible processing capabilities. Unfortunately, this same aspect of the technology has also been harnessed by cyber criminals, who are developing intelligent hacking software powered by the cloud. This makes it essential to invest in the finest anti-virus and firewall solutions to keep these bad actors at bay. Consult experts in IT security in London for advice on the best products.

Stay on top of updates

As with other types of software, your cyber security tools will sometimes need to be updated, or occasionally require a “patch” to be installed. And when it’s time to do so, don’t delay. Failure to update or install a patch can leave your systems vulnerable to a breach, as you won’t be working with the latest and best version of the technology. Happily, there are software tools that can manage when it’s necessary to do so, ensuring you never fall behind or put your business at risk.

Don’t forget the human element

There’s no doubt that the advances in cyber security software are able to vastly improve the security of any organisation. But no matter how much you invest in the latest AI powered software solutions, there will always be a significant risk of a breach if you don’t keep your staff trained in the security best practices.

From sensible everyday use of mobile devices, keeping sensitive documents out of access from public areas of the workplace, through to education on spotting scams or phishing attempts, making sure that everyone is alert to the dangers is by far the surest way to keep your business safe. After all, a staggering 90% of UK data breaches over the last year [1] were found by the ICO to be the result of human error. This makes it clear that committing to regular training from companies offering IT security in London could be the wisest way to protect your data in the long run.

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