Case Studies

Angela Shanley Associates Case Study

The Client

Angela Shanley Associates Ltd (ASA) is a tour operator providing a complete “one stop shop” for FITs & Groups throughout the British Isles exclusively.

The Issue/Problem

ASA were facing a nasty bill to get their in-house servers upgraded. They were facing a huge financial commitment due to the hardware and licensing implications of an Internet facing booking system with a SQL database back-end. They had already moved their mail system to Office 365 so were already technically in a hybrid cloud situation and it made perfect sense to move their three customer facing servers into the cloud.

What did we do?

We built the company two IIS servers and one SQL server in Azure and moved all the staff and clients over with no downtime or loss of service.


ASA now has the resources they need, being charged on demand and a smooth and predictable monthly outgoing. As the needs arises, new systems are simply brought online or shut down.

This also gave them the high availability and redundancy that in reality is out of reach with in-house systems. The truly redundant systems available to all of us in Azure are not financially viable locally without a substantial budget.

ASA opened an office in Edinburgh that joins seamlessly to their head office in London as well as Azure. They can repeat this at will with little difficulty.

They were also in need of a really good tidy up. Various successive upgrades had left things in a bit of a muddle and the previous IT company was not very forthcoming with documentation.

ASA now has a very tidy Comms cabinet and is safe in the knowledge that their IT systems are robust, well documented and that they have a process in place for their business continuity and disaster recovery. They can also expand and build upon this solution without prohibitive expense, effort or disruption.

By the way, it goes without saying we are delivering all the other things they expect from a technology solution partner.

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