
October 16, 2019

Teams calendar (meetings) and calls

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Let’s not forget one of the most useful features in Teams; the ability to video conference and make VoIP calls. Don’t forget Microsoft bought Skype some time ago and now Skype for Business has morphed fully into an impressive component of Teams.

We suspect Microsoft is doing it’s usual dominance by stealth in this field. It is not something to be cynical about or ignored. It may be the case that Microsoft ends up completely dominating all forms of communication by making Teams so flipping useful. Other VoIP and phone system providers need to watch their backs really.

Here is some information and a few screen-shots for you, showing you how to run meetings on Microsoft Teams…

Calendar, Meetings & Video Conferencing

Teams Calendar that fully integrates with your Office 365/Exchange Online calendar. This is where you set up a ‘Meet now’ or schedule a ‘New meeting’ video conference with all the bells and whistles you expect from this technology including recording.

Meet Now for immediate meetings you can add people to:

Useful feature if you want to blur your surroundings:

Scheduling a meeting:

Actions when in a Meeting:

Teams Screen Sharing:

Invite People on the fly:

VoIP Calls

Making a call:

Hopefully the time you’ve spent reading this has been useful. The aim was to show you how to run meetings on Microsoft Teams. Good communicating!

Previous and Following Articles

This is the story of our adoption of this product, combining Microsoft Flow, with Teams and Sharepoint. We hope it will give you clarity on what it can do for you and your business.

Please read our previous and further articles on how to make Teams work for you…